What is Feng Shui-moon bridge reflection over pristine lake

What is Feng Shui?

Modern buildings were not designed with Feng Shui or the laws of Nature in mind. And they break all the rules of Feng Shui and Nature.

This can make us sick, drain our finances and upset our relationships.

The buildings we live in disrupt the harmony of Nature and this disharmony interferes with the balance in our lives. 

How can we possibly thrive in buildings that are designed to drain our health and finances? 

Feng Shui can heal our modern spaces without having to move or remodel. This ancient practice takes great care to bring the space into alignment with the forces of Nature to foster a healthy and prosperous life. 

Feng Shui is a branch of Chinese Medicine. 

It’s like Acupuncture for your home with the understanding that your home has a big influence on all aspects of your life. 

Both practices are founded on the Chinese concept of chi or life-force energy that’s inside us and all around us in Nature.

But instead of taking the needles out at the end of the Acupuncture session, with Feng Shui we make subtle changes to the space that stay in place to foster good health and life-balance. These changes also make the space feel more comfortable and peaceful, and look beautiful.

For example, we may use things like mirrors, color, plants, windchimes, art, or move the furniture, declutter or implement blessings and rituals, all to enhance the chi. 

Chi Flow

The concept of chi is one of the main principles of Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”). In Chinese, the word feng means ‘wind’ and shui means ‘water’. The term Feng Shui refers to the balance and flow of these two essential elements in your environment. The essence of wind and water is chi. 

Movement and flow are the natural qualities of wind and water. There needs to be a balance and flow of ‘wind’ and ‘water’ or ‘chi’ in our home to sustain balance and harmony in our life.

When the chi flows in harmony in the space, then the space will support prosperity and vitality for our lives. When this flow is blocked or stagnant, we feel stuck and life is more challenging. 

There is another layer to Feng Shui that is crucial…

Your home is a mirror. 

Feng Shui is a process of working with that mirror to bring forth the vision you hold for your life. This practice works with your home to help you with your life.

Because of this mirror effect, and the imbalances in the building’s design, our home has the potential to hold us back in patterns we’re trying to transform. 

Every aspect of our life corresponds to a specific place in the home. And over time, we adapt to the patterns the space holds.

For example, when there’s a drain in the chi flow in the ‘prosperity’ area of the home, it can work against our best efforts to improve our finances. 

When we balance the patterns in the house, it helps us transform and move forward.

Feng Shui is a process of healing and balancing the space which produces healing and balance in our life. 

It’s an ongoing conversation with our home and the universe as our life changes. 

Many different approaches.

Feng Shui was developed in China approximately 3-4,000 years ago. There are many different schools and they take somewhat different approaches to meet the same end goal of bringing harmony to our living space to foster balance in our life.

Some approaches even contradict each other and this creates a lot of confusion. Consultants also have their own style, experience and opinions. All approaches are valid and helpful. It works best to find the approach or  practitioner that you resonate with.

I practice Black Sect Feng Shui, which is also called Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui, BTB, Black Hat or Grandmaster Lin Yun’s Feng Shui School. All my teachers were longtime students of Grandmaster Lin Yun before his passing.

Black Sect Feng Shui was developed by Grandmaster Lin Yun who is well known for bringing Feng Shui to the west. It’s an innovative approach rooted in tradition yet adapted to support our modern way of living. Many other approaches incorporate his methods because they are so life-changing and relevant to our times.

The art of placement.

Feng Shui is known as the Chinese art of placement. It’s concerned with the placement of just about everything. And very concerned with how the building is placed on the land. ‘Placement’ relates to what I described earlier about chi flow and our home being a mirror.

The placement of the furniture influences the chi of our home and life. Some pieces are more significant than others. For example, your bed and desk are the two most important pieces of furniture. Their placement takes priority.

There is also great consideration when it comes to the placement of the stove, front door, fireplace, bathrooms, staircase, our ‘stuff’… you get the idea. Fortunately, there are many Feng Shui cures to bring balance when it’s impossible to put everything in the ideal place. PHEW! 

I should add that we can apply this art to any space.

Any size home, business location, studio, apartment, and even your garden and a property without a building. If only our towns would consider Feng Shui when designing our public spaces!

Not keeping Feng Shui and the laws of Nature in mind has created a lot of stress and aggravation, and impacted our ability to truly thrive. Modern society would do well to apply the wisdom of ancient traditions to help us come back into alignment with Nature. This would help to bring balance to the chaos of modern life.

I’ll close with this ancient Chinese poem that describes the most desirable living conditions. It’s where the term Feng Shui comes from.

The winds are mild.

The sun is bright.

The water is clear.

The trees are lush.

May the winds be mild, the sun bright, the water clear and the trees lush.

Many blessings,


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