Feng Shui Consultations

Purple home with red trip and flowering tree

House Healing Sessions

For highly sensitive people with chronic health conditions who want to create a home that helps them heal and feel well.

Sessions Are Online Or At Your Home In The Santa Cruz, San Jose and Monterey Areas of California

Together we’ll turn your inner and outer clutter into clarity, spaciousness and peace. We’ll remove the obstacles to good health and create a sanctuary that helps you thrive.

My House Healing sessions weave together Feng Shui, decluttering coaching, house clearing and life counseling based on what will be the most beneficial for you and your home.

Feng Shui is a branch of Chinese Medicine

It's like Acupuncture for your home with the understanding that your home has a big influence on all aspects of your life, including your health.

Both practices are founded on the Chinese concept of chi or life-force energy that’s inside us and all around us in Nature.

But instead of taking the needles out at the end of the Acupuncture session, with Feng Shui we make subtle changes to the space that stay in place to foster good health and life-balance. These changes also make the space feel more comfortable and peaceful, and look beautiful.

For example, we may add things like mirrors, color, plants, wind chimes, art, or move the furniture, declutter or implement blessings and rituals, all to enhance the chi. 

Clutter blocks the flow of ‘chi’ or life-force energy in your space which has a huge impact on your health and wellbeing. 

House clearing refreshes your space by clearing out old stagnant energies and rebalancing the spiritual chemistry of your house. 

In our House Healing Session I’ll give you guidance for simple changes you can make to your space to:
  • remove the obstacles that drain good health and healing.
  • enhance the space so that it supports your healing and recovery.
  • create a space that is comfortable and looks beautiful to you.

If you don't have a health condition I can still work with you to help you create a home that is more comfortable, nourishing and peaceful.

This is what some of my clients have shared about their experience working together:

“Over time, as we implement more and more of the changes you recommend, finances, relationships and all aspects of life have improved…I had previously read several books and articles on feng shui. Having you come in person was much more productive than trying to put into practice cures that I had read about. It is incredibly helpful to have an experienced set of eyes pointing out helpful changes to parts of the house I felt *had*to be how they were. Working with you in person also cleared up my misconceptions. So many of the cures are about making things feel better and be more attractive, not about following rigid rules. Thanks for all you do!” -Jean Harrah

“I have been suffering with Long Covid for more than a year and half. Most of you know the story: fatigue and mental fog. The worst of it is that you do not seem to get better. I took a short seminar with Megan and I realized that my apartment was all “wrong”.  I engaged her and in one session she exposed the toxicity of my place and offered remedies.  What a revelation it was! No wonder I was not getting better.  People with chronic unexplained conditions like mine often have to recur to unproven “voodoo” long term practices.  Megan offers no voodoo, just practical common sense solutions, easy to implement.  If you are in my situation, do yourself a favor and hire her." Feeling better in Colorado, Andrea Villa.

Working together may be a good fit if:

  • You have a chronic illness like chronic fatigue, chronic pain, or depression and realize that the many approaches you’ve tried so far have fallen short and that something crucial has been missed.
  • You're highly sensitive or introverted and you crave having a sanctuary that helps you deeply relax and be yourself.
  • You have the desire to declutter but haven’t made progress because you feel overwhelmed by how to begin.
  • Your house is an unusual shape and it’s hard to arrange and feel comfortable in.
  • You’re drawn to indigenous and natural ways of living and healing.
  • You’re open to prayer and receiving help from the divine.
  • You reconnect by practicing qigong, yoga, meditation, prayer… or by taking walks in Nature.


House Healing Session-90 Minutes

  • Online $300
  • In-Person At Your Home $375 

This session is great for smaller spaces or if you want to focus on one or two specific areas of your home, or as a diagnostic session for a house clearing.

House Healing Session-2.5 hours

  • Online: $500
  • In-Person At Your Home: $625

This session gives us more time to look at your house as a whole and to go into more depth.

Sessions includes a pre-session questionnaire, handouts and two weeks of follow up questions by email. 

House Healing 6 Month Program

To help you remove the obstacles to good health and create a home sanctuary that supports your health and healing.

What’s Included In The 6 Month Program:
  • We’ll meet online or at your home if you’re local, once a month for 6 months. These sessions include a mix of Feng Shui, decluttering, life counseling and house clearing based on what will be the most beneficial for you and your home.
  • At each session, you’ll get homework to work on in between our sessions.
  • Three 15 minute coaching calls for questions and coaching.

Online: $1500 paid in full or 4 payments of $375

At Your Home: $2500 paid in full or 4 payments of $625

Reach out to me for more details about the House Healing 6 month program and to apply.

Travel Fee For Appointments Outside of Santa Cruz
  • For appointments more than 35 minutes from my home in Santa Cruz add a $50 travel fee.
  • For locations 60 minutes from my home the travel fee is $65.
  • For locations 90 minutes from my home the travel fee is $75.
Red Envelope Ritual 

It’s customary in the Feng Shui lineage that I practice, to give your Feng Shui practitioner red envelopes filled with money at the time of your appointment. This is a powerful part of the Feng Shui process that begins to sow the seeds or your intentions for the help you are seeking.

To honor this tradition, in addition to my fee, I ask that you give me 9-27 red envelopes filled with a minimum of $1 in each along with the energy of your intentions. The amount of red envelopes depends on what is being transmitted in the session.

You’ll receive detailed instructions about how to prepare the red envelopes when you book your session.

If you're interested in working with me, contact me to schedule a House Healing Session or reach out if you have questions. I'd love to help you and your home.
— Megan


“We really treasured your feng shui advice and implemented your suggestions. We feel it really helped. At our old house, I always felt something was off. Money kept flowing out of our hands! Now, I just don’t worry about money. It’s just a different feeling! Eventually, we are going to redo our front yard and we will want your input.”
— Anna Brown, Scotts Valley, CA
“I’ve implemented probably 75- 80% of the changes you recommended. Overall I’ve seen some good shifts in my career and stability and growth in my income which is great. I am very happy with the recommendations you made and the subsequent results. It was time well spent and I feel more at ease on my property and in my home.”
— Kathleen, Carmel Valley, CA
“Things are GREAT here.  Remember how I told you that I was having terrible stress in my teaching position due to some very aggressive and combative parents?  After your last Feng Shui visit, it stopped.  I mean, it just STOPPED.  The parents pretty much just dropped off the face of the earth.  Instead of being demanding and barely cordial, they became relaxed and even friendly.  The nit-picky emails and comments stopped.  They expressed delight regarding their son's progress this year.  And there was nothing at work that I did differently!  I always gave my 110%, like I do every day.  The only explanation I can fathom is that the universe responded to the intentions that I set forth with your help.   THANK YOU so much for helping me to receive the calm and peace that I needed so much!
Do you remember how my husband was having such trouble getting a building permit for a big project?  It took two years, but he finally got it.  That was one of the issues you and I worked on.  Yay! I am now LOVING being in my home.  It is a two-bedroom condo and really too small for my family, but it is working. The solutions you helped me with have made this place feel warm, cheerful, and serene.  People come visit me and love the atmosphere - they want me to come help them decorate!  I tell them it's not the decorating - it's the chi!”
-Client in Santa Cruz, CA