Plant Spirit Medicine

Megan Montero giving a Plant Spirit Medicine treatment to a client

Humans have received healing from the spirits of plants since the beginning.

Plant Spirit Medicine is an ancient shamanic way of working with plants. Instead of using the physical plant to treat physical symptoms, we call on the spirits of plants to heal the spirits of people.

Plant Spirit Medicine is a gentle, hands-on healing modality.

What that means is, instead of giving you tinctures or teas, I gently touch you and call on the spirits of my plant friends to come through my hands to help you.

My Plant Spirit Medicine teacher, Eliot Cowan, describes it like this: “plants have spirit and spirit is the strongest medicine. Spirit can heal the deepest reaches of the heart and soul.”

Imbalances of the spirit are at the root of our heartaches, fears, frustrations and our challenges in life. The more disconnected we become from Nature and from meaningful human relationships, the more we need medicine for our spirit.

Plant Spirit Medicine is for you when you're seeking:
  • Inner peace and a heart-centered approach to life
  • Better communication in your relationships
  • Better understanding of yourself
  • Finding your purpose and inspiration
  • Deeper meaning and fulfillment
  • Connection with nature
Plant Spirit Medicine Sessions are at Megan's healing office in Santa Cruz

1. We have a free call to hear your goals, answer questions and see if it’s a good fit. If you decide to move forward then…

2. We begin with an intake assessment that’s split into two 90 minute sessions. We talk about your life and health concerns, and we talk about your history. Mostly you share and I listen. I also do a Chinese Five Element diagnostic physical exam. The intake assessment gives me the big picture of who you are. With this holistic view, I create a treatment plan tailored to you. Even though the intake isn’t a ‘treatment’ my clients are always surprised how therapeutic it is.

3. Series of Plant Spirit Medicine Sessions: Based on your treatment plan you come back for a series of healing sessions. A series is recommended to first restore balance and then sustain results, each treatment builds on the one before. These sessions are designed to fit your specific needs and spaced accordingly as wellness deepens. The first treatment typically lasts 90 minutes and after that sessions last up to an hour.

Plant spirit sprouting

Like in gardening, during Plant Spirit Medicine treatments weeds are pulled, the soil is prepared and seeds are planted.

The seeds are then nourished by the sun and rain and tended to by the care of the gardener. It takes time for a plant to grow but before you know it you can’t believe the miracle of transformation in front of you. This is what it’s like with Plant Spirit Medicine.

I’d be honored to help you rediscover a deeper, more meaningful relationship with yourself, your loved ones and the living world of Nature through Plant Spirit Medicine.

— Megan


"I was able to see Megan for Plant Spirit Medicine sessions over the course of several seasons. I found her to be consistently warm, friendly, deep listening and careful and skilled with her practice. It was a joy to be in her space, and feel tended to by her and her relationship with the plant spirits. I experienced the medicine itself in a variety of ways: sometimes I felt quite subtle affects during and after a session that seemed overtime to help nudge me to feel more deeply, be more centered in my heart, be more at peace, brightened, and connected to the world, and I also experienced changes quite noticeably during a few sessions- as deeply enlivening and unblocking."
— T.D.