Andrea V.

Practical Common Sense Solutions, Easy To Implement

I have been suffering with Long Covid for more than a year and half. Most of you know the story: fatigue and mental fog. The worse of it is that you do not seem to get better. I took a short seminar with Megan and I realized that my apartment was all “wrong”.  I engaged her and in one session she exposed the toxicity of my place and offered remedies.  What a revelation it was! No wonder I was not getting better.  People with chronic unexplained conditions like mine often have to recur to unproven “voodoo” long term practices.  Megan offers no voodoo, just practical common sense solutions, easy to implement.  If you are in my situation, do yourself a favor and hire her. Feeling better in Colorado, Andrea Villa.

Magali M.

She Helped Me Remove The Fear, Of Judgment, Of Overwhelm

I had a huge health crisis three years ago, and being in survival mode, a lot of things were put in the back burner, including decluttering, deep cleaning and organizing my house. What I love most about Megan Montero's Feng Shui and decluttering services is that she helped me remove the fear, of judgment, of overwhelm. With her expert eye, she zoomed in on some of the ways I could make my bedroom more conducive to sleeping, and a more calm and welcoming place. She also helped us use various Feng Shui interventions to improve energy flow into our home--in one consult! I highly recommend her services.

Andrea D.

Things Have Become Easier In My Life

I went to Megan Montero for Nahua healing sessions and experienced great results. First and foremost, Megan is very patient kind and an attentive listener. She really takes the time to hear your perspective and provide compassion, wisdom, and insight on what you are experiencing in an effort to provide another view point from an outside perspective looking in. I felt heard and understood and that she was really getting to the heart of the matter by listening with an open and non-judgemental heart, which really helps her to key into what's needed for the healing session. She is also so kind to follow up after these sessions to check in on you and offer more input and guidance that may be of help to you. I felt very safe in allowing her in and telling her personal insight and she created that environment of safety and acceptance, which is what makes her so special and unique.

After several sessions, I have experienced a really positive shift. Things have become easier in my life and I felt a divine presence at work during these sessions that Megan is able to call in to help in the process, which was also very reassuring and calming. I would highly recommend Nahua healing. This is a very kind, gentle simple and productive way to help clear things in your life that are no longer serving you and one cannot ask for a better person to guide one in that healing process than Megan!

Kateri McCue

Truly a Transformative and Healing Process

Megan has an incredible talent for helping people uncover their emotional attachments to clutter and for compassionately and skillfully guiding them through the decluttering process. I worked with Megan about a year ago to Feng Shui and declutter my apartment and it was a truly a transformative and healing process. When I work with Megan, I receive surprising results that go beyond my initial expectations. Work with Megan and your life will move forward!

Jutta Aletter
Santa Cruz, CA

The Results Were Nothing Short of Blissful

I had the pleasure of meeting Megan during a Feng Shui information event, and upon discovering her online course "Simplify to Thrive," I promptly enrolled. The course focuses on decluttering through the principles of Feng Shui, and it proved to be an enlightening experience. Throughout the course, I gained valuable insights, and, more importantly, I found myself prepared to release not only physical possessions but also emotional baggage with a newfound sense of acceptance and compassion.

Megan's approach was highly professional, marked by her exceptional sensitivity and deep empathy. Under her guidance, I underwent a transformative process, as she applied the Traditional Nahua Healing method to restore balance and harmony to both my home and my inner self. The results were nothing short of blissful, as the immediate and lasting effects of her healing art were palpable.

Though I may still be the same person, I now navigate life with a significantly enhanced sense of relaxation and joy. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Megan and eagerly look forward to any future opportunities to work with her again.

Sarah Wolf

My Home Feels Enlivened and So Do I

Not sure where to begin? Overwhelming feelings, years of stuff to deal with? No problem. Megan seems to understand. With clear instructions and intuitive listening she guides the process. She earned my trust, no shame or judgement. I’m grateful for taking these first steps. My home feels enlivened and so do I. Thanks Megan!

Jean Harrah
Watsonville, CA

Incredibly Helpful to Have an Experienced Set of Eyes 

Over time, as we implement more and more of the changes you recommend, finances, relationships and all aspects of life have improved.  The biggest take away is clear the clutter!  Even after much clearing we are very far from any minimalist ideal but for me clearing physical clutter definitely clears my mind and seems to remove impediments to taking action.

I had previously read several books and articles on feng shui. Having you come in person was much more productive than trying to put into practice cures that I had read about. It is incredibly helpful to have an experienced set of eyes pointing out helpful changes to parts of the house I felt *had*to be how they were.

Working with you in person also cleared up my misconceptions. So many of the cures are about making things feel better and be more attractive, not about following rigid rules. Thanks for all you do!

Gina Carling, Felton, CA

Major Transformations Personally and Professionally

I have had the privilege of working with Megan Montero for several years now. I've experienced major transformations both personally and professionally practicing Megan's decluttering and Feng Shui teachings. She is so wonderfully positive and encouraging as she educates her clients about improving their quality of life. She is also a gifted spiritual healer who can help you let go of unhealthy baggage that may be weighing you down. Megan is a valuable trusted advisor. I highly recommend Megan if you want to experience positive change and growth in your life. Thank you Megan for all of your guidance and support!

Rob Watson, Aptos, CA

Reaping the Benefits Following her Advice

I had the pleasure of participating in Megan's Simplify to Thrive course. It was outstanding, and gave me principles I plan to follow for the rest of my life. I have heard Megan lecture on the ideals of Feng Shui several times and found her insight inspiring, thoughtful and moving. In the course, she elaborated on many of the Feng Shui directives, and I feel I am reaping the benefits of following her advice. I am transitioning off a period in my life where I felt trapped and buried, and this was in no small part due to a deluge of clutter. My living environment is clearly improved now following Megan's guidance, but I am also finding that elevation of life to be reflected in my daily experience as well.

Paul Nolan
San Francisco, CA


I find your work as healer in the Nahua Weather Work tradition to be invaluable, as you have been of such great help to me in my transitional time. Megan, I am amazed as to just how effective these treatments have been! You truly have the gift. Thank you!

Natalie E. Santa Cruz, CA

Helped Me Transform My Home and Life

Megan is absolutely amazing! She helped me transform my home and life. Before she helped me I felt crowded in clutter, and could not feel relaxed when I came home after a long day. She helped me with the Feng Shui in my house - helping me create an awesome work station where I can actually sit down and get studying done. She also helped me with decluttering my messy closet. I now feel happy with all the items of clothes in my closet and getting dressed feels like an enjoyable experience. By helping me transform my home, I was also able to make meaningful changes to my life. Decluttering my space encouraged me to do a digital declutter (emails, old photos etc). I was also inspired to look at the people in my life- stepping back from relationships/friendships that weren't making a positive impact on my life. Megan is incredible!! If you are looking to transform your space and your life as a whole, contact her immediately!!

Ruth Levy

A Shining Example of Super Humanness

I super appreciate your help and guidance with Feng Shui.  You have an incredibly gentle, graceful nature, and I find you to be a shining example of super humanness 🙂

Perri Del Bianco

Immediate Results

Megan's Feng Shui consultations for my home yielded immediate results. There was a notable positive energy infusion, more harmony, and it just felt better to come home. A more specific outcome was the change after we moved my son's desk from behind our front door. He had applied for approximately 40 jobs and was becoming increasingly dejected. Once we followed Megan's advice, he was hired.

I was so pleased with the positive changes in my home that I asked for the gift of a birthday present consultation from Megan for my classroom (I am a public school teacher). Her list of suggestions and ceremonies were numerous. So far, I have implemented about 80% of her suggestions. I was struck by some of her recommendations because they involved changing parts of my room that had always bothered me, but I had for some reason felt compelled to keep. Results of Megan's consultation: best teaching year e-v-e-r (that in itself is worth its weight in gold), weekly comments about how good my classroom feels (adults and kids), and for me, a deep satisfaction and appreciation.

Megan's flexible approach and responsiveness to my needs was noteworthy. I had worked with another feng shui consultant, who informed me of the parts of my home that needed cures but I could not implement because they were changes that did not suit my tastes. Megan, on the other hand, was flexible in offering a variation of cures and treatments that work with both my sense of aesthetics and my husband's. This, in itself, is no small feat. I am looking forward to getting more help from Megan for my home and my classroom, and would recommend her work to anyone!

Nate Saucier
Soquel, CA

Conduit of Wonderful Healing Energy

Megan Montero is a phenomenal healer!  During the session, I felt a powerful healing energy in the room.  I am amazed that I was healed of lower back pain! During the healing sessions, I felt very relaxed. The pain I had in my lower back left and has not returned several weeks later. Megan is a kind, caring, and reflective listener. She is clearly a conduit of wonderful healing energy. I highly recommend Megan for her traditional Nahua healing.

Erin Everett
Weaverville, NC

Experienced Advice and Creative Solutions

Megan’s insights are based in ancient, secret, and potent relationship with the spaces where we live and work. Her Feng Shui counseling has helped us rework our plans for our new healing room. I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that, even through our steep mountain land provides a multitude of problems, we have addressed every detail in a good way. We look forward to an excellent healing flow and grounded energy in our new space, thanks to Megan’s experienced advice and creative solutions. Highly recommended!

Cindy Fogle
Maggie Valley, NC

Working with Megan is Life Changing!

I'm always skeptical when someone says: It was life changing! But I'm going to say it anyway. Because working with Megan is life changing! This is a healing experience on so many levels. One is confronted with extremely important choices... that can look mundane on the surface. And Megan, without judgment, helps you walk through those choices so you don't feel pressure. Her guidance is patient and compassion and for me, helped me to make the best choices.

Hanging onto that old piece of memorabilia that is really filled with painful memories? But feeling conflicted about letting it go? I was amazed by Megan's capacity to walk me through my process in such an effective way. There was a certain readiness in my life to literally go through every drawer and every folder. Megan has a wonderful system to help you navigate this so it doesn't feel overwhelming. And as she attests, when you rid yourself of more things than can possibly fit comfortably in your file cabinet, or book shelf, or desk top, you do create room in your life for the good stuff, what's really important and life-giving, to come flowing in.

The blessings of her work and gifts continue to feel palpable for me. As I start tax season, I know where things are. When one of my children called to ask if I had their birth certificate, I knew where to look. And energetically, my house feels better and less stressful. I will say that working with Megan is a bold act of self love and frees you to really pursue your dreams and your calling.

Denise Chasin
Wastonville, CA

The Results are as Clear as Day!

Megan is a gentle soul that offers great depth in her practice of plant spirit medicine.  Although the work is cumulative in nature I was able to feel shifts in my energy after one session.   Her healing practice is unique and hard to describe but the results are as clear as day!  I highly recommend working with her and finding new levels of balance and wellness during this ever so crazy time in our world.

Kathy Mckeough
Santa Cruz, CA

Wonderful Results

Megan is a quietly powerful healer. Her integrity and her clear connection with divine have produced wonderful results for me and my family. I would recommend her services to anyone.

Mendocino, CA

Brightened and Connected to the World

I was able to see Megan for Plant Spirit Medicine sessions over the course of several seasons.  I found her to be consistently warm, friendly, deep listening and careful and skilled with her practice.  It was a joy to be in her space, and feel tended to by her and her relationship with the plant spirits.

I experienced the medicine itself in a variety of ways: sometimes I felt quite subtle affects during and after a session that seemed overtime to help nudge me to feel more deeply, be more centered in my heart, be more at peace, brightened, and connected to the world, and I also experienced changes quite noticeably during a few sessions- as deeply enlivening and unblocking.

If I lived closer I would certainly continue asking for her support in this way.

Fani Nicheva
Santa Cruz, CA

Our Finances Kicked into a Steady Flow

Megan helped us approach our daunting yard situation in stages, just so that we get the holistic support we needed. She first counseled on how to declutter from everything unnecessary, then unveiled ideas about accenting the wealth corner, because we needed that in our life. We have a tricky issue with a sloped yard and outdoor lights that weren’t quite helping, and due to Megan’s alternative remedy and blessings, our finances are kicking into a steady flow and we’re thriving!

Santa Cruz, CA


Megan's Plant Spirit Medicine sessions helped me during an emotional healing time in my life. I felt embraced by Megan’s caring wisdom and transformed from the spirits of the plants in each session. Megan has the kindest eyes and supportive touch, especially needed during this healing time in my life. I recommend plant spirit sessions when one desires to move through internal blockages with the trust of the child and experience awakening so clearly. I am grateful to Megan.

Luna Suniga

A Ton of Weight Has Been Lifted

I have been receiving Plant Spirit Medicine for about a year now and it has been an incredible support to my daily life and how I face any emotions or challenges that come up for me. Every session that I have is a sacred time to reveal myself to 'them.' I leave my PSM session every time feeling very grateful, and that I was in a safe place with Megan, and I feel as though a ton of weight has been lifted off of me.

Many of my personal issues that I have brought forth have been in regards to my relationship with my partner. After having a PSM treatment, I have found that the plants help him too. We often end up having much clearer communication and he tends to understand me more.

Kathy Mckeough
Santa Cruz, CA

Strongly Supported

With Megan's clear strong relationship to Nature and the plant spirits, and her keen senses for diagnosis, I would recommend her as a Plant Spirit Medicine healer to anyone. In her care I have felt strongly supported to be the best I can be in every way.  Her warmth, sensitivity, and caring have been as important to my healing journey as the Plant Spirit Medicine itself.

Marilyn Berta
Santa Cruz, CA

A Deep Breath of Fresh Air

Inviting Megan to my house for Feng Shui sessions is like taking a deep breath of fresh air. Her insight into subtle changes that I can make to my house and the surrounding land help provide me with the vision I need to make my home a healthy, beautiful environment. Letting go of that which no longer serves me has allowed the space for new opportunities and greater harmony to come into my life.

Belinda Farrell

Definitely A Positive Experience

I was extremely impressed with the professionalism of Megan Montero who outlined my homework before she came in person.  Sending her the layout of your home is highly recommended before she comes.  I followed through with every "cure" she recommended to fix blocked energy flows. As a result, I felt stronger and welcomed more clients to my practice, a new relationship opened up, more money flowed into my life, and my eating habits changed for the best.  It was definitely a positive experience and one that I would highly recommend to others.

Kathleen Roberts
Santa Cruz, CA

Sold In Three Months

After Megan's Feng Shui consultation, my vacant lot sold in three months, after basically a year of no interest. Thanks, Megan!

Peter Brown
Olympia, WA

Quickest Sale of a Home Ever

My wife and I have bought and sold seven houses over the years, and working with Megan Montero brought about the easiest, quickest sale of a home ever.

Our home had been on the market for a couple of weeks with little movement in a depressed market. We had thought about dropping our price but instead decided to work with Megan to make our home more appealing to prospective buyers. Through her work and completing the recommendations prescribed, we received an offer shortly for a cash purchase and a two-week closing. When we balked at the quickness of the closing (We had hoped 2 months), the buyer said that we could stay in our homes rent-free for 2 and half months. The buyer did not ask for any concessions on our part.

Phen Canner
Pierrepont, NY

The Beneficial Results Continue to Unfold

Megan's help with my clutter clearing process was a major boost. She listened, she reassured, she inspired, she provided valuable tips and guidelines. She was patient with my resistance and frustration, and she held me accountable. With her wisdom and Feng Shui expertise she helped me prioritize areas that needed attention, and her support has helped me make changes that have had far-reaching impacts through many areas of my life. The beneficial results continue to unfold. I highly recommend Megan's work and look forward to more opportunities to work with her in the future.

Santa Cruz, CA

The Calm and Peace That I Needed

Things are GREAT here.  Remember how I told you that I was having terrible stress in my teaching position due to some very aggressive and combative parents?  After your last Feng Shui visit, it stopped.  I mean, it just STOPPED.  The parents pretty much just dropped off the face of the earth.  Instead of being demanding and barely cordial, they became relaxed and even friendly.  The nit-picky emails and comments stopped.  They expressed delight regarding their son's progress this year.  And there was nothing at work that I did differently!  I always gave my 110%, like I do every day.  The only explanation I can fathom is that the universe responded to the intentions that I set forth with your help.   THANK YOU so much for helping me to receive the calm and peace that I needed so much!

Do you remember how my husband was having such trouble getting a building permit for a big project?  It took two years, but he finally got it.  That was one of the issues you and I worked on.  Yay! I am now LOVING being in my home.  It is a two-bedroom condo and really too small for my family, but it is working. The solutions you helped me with have made this place feel warm, cheerful, and serene.  People come visit me and love the atmosphere - they want me to come help them decorate!  I tell them it's not the decorating - it's the chi!

Carmel Valley, CA

Time Well Spent

I’ve implemented probably 75- 80% of the changes you recommended. Overall I’ve seen some good shifts in my career and stability and growth in my income which is great. I am very happy with the recommendations you made and the subsequent results. It was time well spent and I feel more at ease on my property and in my home.

Anna Brown
Scotts Valley, CA

We Really Treasured Your Feng Shui Advice

We really treasured your feng shui advice and implemented your suggestions. We feel it really helped. At our old house, I always felt something was off. Money kept flowing out of our hands! Now, I just don’t worry about money. It’s just a different feeling! Eventually, we are going to redo our front yard and we will want your input.

Reija Bolwell

Positive Change In Many Aspects of My Life

The Feng Shui recommendations that Megan has given us have brought about positive change in many aspects of my life.  For that I am truly grateful. I have known Megan for about a year and a half now. She is a very caring and intuitive healer and I feel blessed to have worked with her. 

Follow Up 10 Years Later: Megan has helped us with the Feng Shui of our home, at different times over the last 10 years. She is a highly skilled Feng Shui consultant, very intuitive, sensitive and a lovely person. Her recommendations always bring more balance and harmony to our lives and it's often a huge relief when problems magically dissolve after the cures.

Santa Cruz, CA

Incredibly Helpful and Powerful

I just have to say how incredibly helpful and powerful our clutter clearing session was! I am tremendously grateful for your support and good ideas. I feel very energized and excited about continuing. Thank you so much for all you bring to this journey for me. It feels very important, and life enhancing.

Ky Carnell Russell
Felton, CA

I would not hesitate to recommend Megan!

I realized that I needed help organizing my home after we purchased a new home with a 6 month old. Fast forward three years later and I still had not fully unpacked, and my home was creating feelings of helplessness and chaos. Megan was incredible in helping me organize and de-clutter my home. As a clothes hoarder, the initial session was challenging but Megan was understanding yet firm in helping me realize what was no longer having a positive impact on my life. She encouraged me when I needed it and held me accountable, enabling me to eliminate many items that I do not miss. She utilized a fresh and unique approach that made me realize what I needed to accomplish and how this process would help me achieve the states necessary to move forward in so many areas of my life! In fact, I received a career opportunity just weeks after our sessions, which was one area of my life that I was focusing on. Overall, she was also very insightful in her approach to organization, and gave me some key suggestions which really transformed my office and bedroom especially. Now I feel serene and grounded in my home which is an amazing transformation! I would not hesitate to recommend Megan!

Gabrielle Mata
Watsonville, CA

Highly Recommended

Megan is a wonderful asset to creating a more happy and prosperous life. I had a feng shui consultation about a year ago and I'm still implementing her ideas and suggestions to me and my family's benefit. Highly recommended.

Jeannette Regala Smith
Redwood City, CA

Clarity, Prosperity and Happiness

Put simply, Megan’s helped bring our life to another level of clarity, prosperity and happiness.

Jessica De la O
Carrollton, GA

I’ll Never Declutter or Move Again Without Referring to her Guidance

We had to let go of most of our stuff and move out of state. Megan was such a great support for us in the mundane details, that really is an art form, and through a big emotional process of letting go. Her skillful know-how and soothing encouragement guided us with each step and I’m grateful for her patience and grace through it. I’ll never declutter or move again without referring to her guidance.