holistic healing-Traditional Nahua Medicine

What is a Spiritual House Limpia?

A house limpia or ‘house clearing’ refreshes your space by clearing out old stagnant energies and by rebalancing the spiritual chemistry of your house. 
House Limpias are Offered at Your Home in the Santa Cruz, San Jose and Monterey Areas of California

After the house clearing, her house felt lighter, brighter and fresh. It was easier to move through the space. The heaviness, like thick mud, that I felt before, transformed. She told me that she felt it too, she said, ‘it feels lighter’ and it brought tears to her eyes. In the days following the house clearing, she felt motivation. Also a difficult conversation with her husband bubbled up but it produced an unexpected resolution of harmony in their lives.

Many if not all ancient wisdom traditions have an understanding of the need to cleanse or re-balance the spiritual chemistry of a space.

As a healer in the Nahua indigenous tradition of central Mexico, I offer ‘House Limpia’s’ to cleanse and re-balance the space. This is very similar to what I’ve offered in my Feng Shui practice for almost 20 years. But in the Nahua tradition, we use a different process and substances to do the cleansing. It’s the Nahua approach that I’ll share about here.

The word ‘limpia’ means ‘clean’ in Spanish and although we refer to it as a cleansing it’s not like cleaning something that’s dirty. It’s about restoring balance. A House Limpia rebalances the spiritual chemistry or spiritual ecosystem of the house.

Spiritual House LimpiaA house is a container that’s meant to provide shelter and keep us protected.

It’s meant to keep some things out and some things in. From a spiritual perspective, the fact that the house was built in the first place is a disruption to Nature. This creates an imbalance that has an impact on our lives.

In many, if not all, traditions, ceremonies and offerings were given to mitigate the imbalance created when building a house.

They had special altars to maintain the balance and did cleansing and rituals to maintain the balance through life’s many changes. There are also other things that disrupt the spiritual chemistry within a house after it’s built. These disturbances affect the well-being of the people who live there.

For example, disturbances like:
  • Strong unresolvable conflict between the occupants
  • Robberies
  • Crime in the neighborhood
  • Violence in the house or in the neighborhood
  • Leaks and floods
Other important factors to consider:
  1. How old is the building? Is it historic?
  2. Mold: Because mold has a spiritual presence, even after remediation it can still contribute to symptoms.
  3. How much disorder is inside and outside the house? When clutter and disorder reach a certain level it has a big impact on the house. It opens the door for further imbalances to come inside and disrupt the spiritual integrity of the space.
  4. Has anyone passed away in the home? When someone has passed away in the house, even if it was a peaceful death, a piece of the person is left behind and their shadow needs to be ‘lifted’. This is different than when there’s a ghost, which is also something serious that needs to be addressed.

These are a few of the things that affect the spiritual ecosystem of a house increasing the need for a House Limpia and the benefits it will bring.

When would it be a good time to consider having a House Limpia?

  • You’ve lived in your home for a long time and want to refresh your space.
  • You recently moved in and want to remove stagnant energies to create a positive new beginning.
  • If you have a sense that something isn’t right in the space.
  • The space feels stagnate
  • You feel uncomfortable in the house without knowing why.
  • When something has shifted, ‘it use to feel good but now it doesn’t’.
  • You sense something like a presence.
  • You notice that things move around, break or get lost.
  • You are experiencing health issues.
  • You feel stuck in some area of your life.

How it Works:

We begin with a 90 minute House Healing Session so I can see your home and diagnose what’s needed for the cleaning. The cleaning process itself will either be one or two sessions following this intake session depending on what has transpired in the house.

Every home will rejoice from having a House Limpia as things tend to build up in the space overtime. Restoring the balance will help to keep you and your home happy and healthy. A common response after having a House Limpia is that people love how it feels in their house!

Contact me with questions or to schedule a House Limpia.

Feedback From Clients…

“I found Montero Healing Arts online and setup an appointment for house limpia and blessing and I was so blown away by the experience. My once energetically burdened rental home is now light airy and rejuvenated..thanks to Megan. She is so kind, welcoming and lends a sympathetic ear to you and the needs of the home. Once she did the clearing and I returned to the house, it was just as we discussed. She performed a miracle and everything energetically shifted for the better. I would absolutely recommend this healing experience to anyone looking for this type of help. I am very pleased and happy with the outcome!

-A.D., Santa Cruz, CA

“I was so grateful for Megan’s ability and experience to perform a Land Blessing and House Limpia for me and my home. I received great benefit from her work. Prior to the Land Blessing and House Limpia I had experienced some unhealthy energy at my home which had lingering effects of lack of peace and well being. Within 2 weeks after the Land Blessing and House Limpia everything turned completely around. Plus my 16 year old son spontaneously decided to clean and declutter his room! My home is now calm and peaceful and healthy. Thank you so much Megan.”

-Wendy C. Santa Cruz, CA

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