Herb bundles used for traditional healing

Ask your house for help when you’re stuck

Settling into my new home continues. I feel like I’m in my very own master class about how to arrange a tiny home. I love it.

Me and my home are still getting to know each other. Things are finding their place and there is more to let go. I’m learning how to live in this tiny space as I go.

Each change I make brings a feeling of accomplishment and deeper appreciation for the space and my things and makes my daily life flow smoother.

I recently made a big change. I moved my desk from one room to another, and let go of the kitchen table and two chairs that didn’t fit. That made all the difference and brought a feeling of peace and calm and spaciousness. I had been planning this since I moved in but other things needed to happen first.

Finally it was time and I was more than ready. I was feeling claustrophobic because there were too many things in the main room. But I was still scratching my head because there were some other pieces of furniture that I couldn’t figure out were they belonged.

So I prayed for guidance about how to proceed rearranging the house to be more comfortable and supportive of my life here.

And the guidance came! I saw it clearly how to proceed. And as I began the process of moving things around, things began to find their place.

If you don’t pray you can also ask your house for guidance. This is something I do all the time in my work with clients and with my own space.

When we’re stuck, sometimes we need to ask for help. Sometimes we just need to get started with a movement forward (take one step) and that movement brings clarity around the next step to take.

Take one step forward when you’re stuck and ask for help.

Here’s a video I made on this topic.


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