beautiful bed with purple and fuschia bedding Feng Shui Your Bedroom

Feng Shui & Beauty in the Bedroom

Why consider Feng Shui and beauty in your bedroom? Feng Shui is an intricate system of bringing balance to a living environment, thereby restoring balance in the lives of the people who live there. Beauty has an important role to play in this. Your home is a mirror that can reflect positive chi (energy) to you, this in turn positively affects your life. Then, why not surround yourself with more beauty?

When you surround yourself with things that spark joy or make your heart sing, it makes you happy, it helps you to relax and gives a feeling of inner peace. In today’s fast-paced, fear-based modern way of living, we need all the peace, relaxation, beauty and joy that we can get!

Sometimes it’s hard to make time for beauty.

Many people feel they’re too busy. It’s not uncommon for bedrooms to be the least decorated room and often the most neglected room in the house. Why put effort into a room that most guests will never see? But what about what you see?

From the perspective of Feng Shui, which is all about how your space effects your health and wellbeing, the bedroom is the most important room in the house! It’s the last thing you see before going to bed and the first thing you see when you wake up; those moments have a profound effect on the rest of your life. Imagine what your life would be like if what you saw in those moments was beauty?

Last year I worked hard on the Feng Shui and beauty in my bedroom

I knew my bedroom needed a transformation, but I had a lot of resistance to the expense and the work it would take. I started with a few of the easy things first, and stalled for a while mulling over the more challenging changes. Then, some special guests were coming to visit, my teacher and his fiancé, and I would be giving them my room. Now I had a deadline!

I began my search looking for a new duvet cover that truly made my heart sing. It took awhile to find just the right one. The one I found is gorgeous and it set the tone for the rest of the room.

I never liked the blinds that came with my rental and I was dreading figuring out what to replace it with. Having a highly sensitive nose and a sensitivity to chemicals (I can smell the chemicals in fabrics), had me steering away from many of the easier ready-made options. I was looking for something soft that would also block out the light. My friend, who I call the sewing wizardess, helped me make curtains. We had lots of fun and the result is stunning!

After a few more finishing touches, the beautification in my bedroom was complete. Now every time I walk in, actually every time I even glance into the room, I smile and feel a sense of peace, joy and inner harmony. It’s important to hold to your own vision of beauty, not someone else’s. Have fun working on the Feng Shui and creating beauty in your bedroom!


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