What do you tell yourself about your decluttering project?
Do you say things like ‘I’m so overwhelmed, how am I ever going to get through this!”? Or, “I don’t have the time! It’s going to take forever!!”.
What we say to ourselves has a big impact on how we feel and how well we move forward with out goals.
You can turn that around and say something positive and supportive.
I like to use decluttering mantras, like a centering thought to help calm your mind, bring you back to center and to your desire to declutter.
One decluttering mantra I like to use is:
I easily let go of the things I don’t need so I can enjoy and appreciate the things I do need.
One of my decluttering students came up with this one:
I create a home that is peaceful and serene and easy to clean.
Don’t those sound helpful and supportive? Please try them or create your own and let me know how it goes.
In this video I explain the value of having a positive decluttering mantra to calm your mind and stop the overwhelm, right in its tracks!