Spring energy-decluttering in spring

Blossom and thrive in Spring

Spring brings the blessing of abundant growth and new beginnings. Take some time on the Spring Equinox (this Monday, March 20th) to tune in and honor the sacred rhythms of Nature and sow the seeds of your intentions for the coming year. What would you like to begin and grow?

Spending time outside in Nature surrounded by the sky, the plants and all the living elements is very healing to our spirit, body and mind.

Can you take some time outside to honor this day in a sacred way? That can be as simple as going for a walk and expressing your gratitude for your life and the beauty of Nature.

Spring is associated with the Wood Element.

Wood ElementWood energy is all about growth and expansion, and new beginnings. Just think of all the green growth that happens in spring. The blossoming! The ‘water energy’ of winter feeds the ‘wood energy’ of spring. 

If I were to vote for a #1 season for decluttering and Feng Shui it would be spring. This is because spring brings a fresh perspective on our homes and how we feel about our belongings. This burst of new life energy gives us the energy we need to declutter and prepare our homes for this next phase of life. 

The good news is that after decluttering, the average time spent cleaning is reduced by 40%!

That’s according to the Soap and Detergent Association. So while you’re ‘spring cleaning’ don’t forget to declutter your space. I like to follow the rhythms of Nature and declutter with the seasons. I highly recommend you do this, otherwise things will start to accumulate and create stagnation in your life.

Because it’s natural for things to ware our and eventually loose their sparkle and prime. Our needs and tastes change as we grow and change. We have to take the time to let go, just like the trees let go of their leaves so they can bloom again. 

The inner growth and changes we experience in life, require a shift in our living environment so the space will support us with those deep changes.

It also works in the reverse. If you have clutter and are seeking life transformations, decluttering your space is a powerful pathway to take to transform your life.

May the new life energy of spring bring you healthy growth and new beginnings so you can thrive!
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