energy of spring-cherry blossoms

The Energy of Spring

Welcome spring! I’m so happy it’s Spring that I feel like shouting! The birds are singing, the trees are blooming, and the days are getting longer.

The other day I was admiring a blooming plum tree, enjoying her sweet aroma and the view of the sky through her branches. And I remembered how short springtime is. Let’s celebrate spring and soak in every precious moment and not let the miracle of spring pass us by.

As the growth energy of spring kicks in, I can feel my creative juices flowing. How about you? From the Chinese perspective of Chi, or life-force energy, the energy of spring is associated with the Wood Element. Growth, vision, anger, shouting, boundaries, decisions, planning, family, beginnings, the color green, and your liver are all associated with Wood Energy.

Spring brings the promise of hope and new beginnings

The wisdom of winter feeds our growth in spring. All that deep inward restorative energy of inner reflection during the cold months opens the door to the next phase. The growth energy of spring supports us with the vision for our life. It also gives us the energy we need to make a plan to carry out that vision. A vision is only as good as the plan needed to carry it out. Do you have a plan for how to carry out your vision?

The energy of springtimeTune into your spirit

Springtime is all about growth. And if we’re not growing, we’re not living. The mantra, ‘change is the only constant in life’ is the cornerstone of Feng Shui. The bagua, known as ‘the ever changing constant’, is a cosmic map we use in Feng Shui to read the energy of a space. This map can be used as a tool for personal growth and positive change. What is your vision for the positive changes you’d like to see in your life?

The purpose of life is to learn and grow. Every experience in life provides an opportunity to do just that. I try to remember this when I notice that I’m being hard on myself or when something doesn’t turn out the way I planned. What we term as ‘mistakes’ are just more opportunities for growing. If we could only remember that! Being hard on ourselves about something that didn’t go the way we planned eats up our life-force energy. And it stunts our growth. Instead, wouldn’t it feel better to look for the opportunity for learning?

Tune into your emotions

The emotion associated with the energy of spring and the Wood Element is ANGER. Anger is a natural response when a boundary has been crossed. Lots of people are angry right now about the state of the world. If this is you, use that energy to take action towards the positive changes you’d like to see in the world. You can tap into this springtime energy for your vision of how to do that.

Wood/Anger energy is powerful and can be used productively to create positive change. Holding in our anger is toxic for our health, but so is exploding at someone else.  The healthy alternative is finding appropriate ways to express your emotions. That begins with tuning into how you feel. Notice when your personal boundaries are crossed and work to strengthen your own boundaries.

Tune into your body

Get your body moving as a way to release your anger. Jump up and down while shouting, grunting or growling.  Go kickboxing or African dancing.  Go for a long walk or hike and soak in the beauty and vitality of spring! The healing sound for the wood element is SHHHHHHHHHH. 

Tune into your home

Spring is the perfect time of year for deep ‘spring’ cleaning, and that includes clearing your clutter. Take advantage of this fresh perspective to lighten the load of your belongings and free yourself of the burden of too much stuff. Let go of those things that aren’t in alignment with the overall vision for you life.  

Open up your house and let the fresh, vital energy of life bless your space. Cleaning and decluttering will brighten the energy in your home, simultaneously clearing your vision. Expand your vision by taking it up a notch and have your windows cleaned. 

Enhance your work by cleaning your home with intention. While you’re dusting and vacuuming your home, focus on your vision for your life. By doing this, you’ll infuse your space with your intentions and dreams!

May the vision for your life become clearer and may you flourish with the growth and vitality of spring!
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