There really isn’t much we have control over in life. But we can do things to move our life in a positive direction. That’s what Feng Shui is all about. Feng Shui enhance our wellbeing and helps us create a home that will provide strength and stability when the storms come our way. It shows...Continue reading
Category: Decluttering
Feng Shui Bagua: Knowledge Area
Winter is a time of going within, yet here in Santa Cruz it’s just beginning to feel like spring. The Knowledge & Self-Cultivation area of the Feng Shui bagua is like the beginning of spring. The conditions that are needed to support a seed with its growth are patience and care. We also need that...Continue reading
Case Study: Grounded and Serene
People often report that positive things happen to them after they declutter. One client had a major transformation from decluttering her clothes. She asked specifically for my help coaching her to declutter her clothes. She still had all her clothes from before her pregnancy, all her maternity clothes and everything since. At the time of...Continue reading
Tap into the energy of fall for help letting go
It’s natural for things to decay, to break down and ware out. Everything dies eventually. Death is part of the natural cycle of living. This wisdom is reflected in the outer world in fall when the trees loose their leaves and the plants dies back. It’s reflected in our physical bodies through the letting go...Continue reading
Fall Feng Shui Workshops
I warmly invite you to join me this fall for one of my Feng Shui workshops. They’re designed to bring transformation and serenity to your home and life. The Simplify to Thrive Workshop Begins on September 12th. It’s a 5 week online holistic decluttering program designed to guide you step-by-step in transforming your home towards peace...Continue reading
What’s possible when order reigns?
One of my students said that he used to get out of bed and think, ‘why bother making it? The room is already in chaos, what difference would it make?’. Now in his new home, where order reigns, he makes his bed first thing after he wakes up. He said that the order in his...Continue reading
What are your mirrors reflecting?
A mirror in my client’s office was reflecting the chaos of her clutter, multiplying its chaotic affect. The placement was unintentional, simply left hanging on the wall from when the room was a bedroom. After taking it down, she was amazed about how much better the room felt. Mirrors are considered to be the ‘aspirin’...Continue reading
Getting to know your outdoor spaces
Recently I was reminded of how our ancestors spent the majority of their time outside under the sky. They were intimately connected with the living natural world every day of their lives. This had a profound effect on their health and well-being, this deep intimacy with Nature. We are part of Nature but our minds...Continue reading
How Feng Shui Can Help Highly Sensitive People
Growing up, I thought there was something wrong with me because I was highly sensitive. Now I know that being highly sensitive is a trait, found in 15-20% of the population (more recents studies show 20-30%). Learning about this reframed my whole perspective on the first half of my life! Deep listening to the subtleties...Continue reading
Welcome the year of the Tiger
Declutter for the New Year The custom in China is to clean, declutter and repair things in preparation for the Chinese Lunar New Year. This cleaning, decluttering and repairing is an intentional act to let go of the old year, wash away the bad luck and stagnant chi, in order to welcome the good luck...Continue reading