Montero Healing Arts Blog

Begin to See Your Home Through Feng Shui Eyes: Your Home Can Support and Nourish Your Life

Your home is more than a structure where you sleep, eat and spend time with family and friends. The building itself, the placement of furniture and doors, your belongings and any unseen energetic presence, all have an effect on the quality of your life experience. Your living space affects the nourishment you receive through food,...Continue reading

Dandelion blossom for plant spirit medicine

Plant Spirit Medicine~ Healing for the Spirit

Plant Spirit Medicine as taught by Eliot Cowan is the synthesis of Chinese Five Element Medicine and a shamanic way of working with plants.  Plant Spirit Medicine (PSM) is a form of spiritual healing that connects us with the healing wisdom of nature.  This alignment with nature brings balance and harmony to our lives.  Plants are more than...Continue reading