Hidden gifts of being highly sensitive
Were you ever told that you are too sensitive? Did you end up thinking that meant there was something wrong with you? There is nothing wrong with you. According to the work of Dr. Elaine Aron, being highly sensitive is a normal trait found in 15-20% of the population. Learn more about her work here...Continue reading
Your Bedroom Affects Your Sleep And Health
Your Bedroom Affects Your Sleep And A Good Sleep Is Crucial To Your Health. From the Feng Shui perspective, the bedroom is considered the most important room in the house. Why? Because that’s where we sleep and a good sleep is crucial to good health. We can’t live very long if we don’t sleep. The...Continue reading
What is the Feng Shui Bagua map?
What is the Feng Shui Bagua Map? There’s a place in your home that corresponds to every aspect of your life, like your relationships, health and finances. The bagua map shows us where. You can place this map on any location, one room, the whole house and the property. This is one of the main...Continue reading
How do you declutter gifts?
How do you declutter gifts? This is a question I hear a lot. Decluttering gifts can bring up a lot of emotions and anxiety. Do you feel a sense of obligation to keep them? Even though the gift is past it’s emotional experiation date? And what if you never really enjoyed the gift to begin...Continue reading
What do you do when your spouse has clutter?
What do you do when your spouse or roommate has clutter is a question I get a lot. Here are my four tips for how to handle this delicate situation: Start by decluttering your own things first: When you work on decluttering and organizing your own things it will stir up the energy in your...Continue reading
What’s Your Decluttering Mantra?
What do you tell yourself about your decluttering project? Do you say things like ‘I’m so overwhelmed, how am I ever going to get through this!”? Or, “I don’t have the time! It’s going to take forever!!”. What we say to ourselves has a big impact on how we feel and how well we move...Continue reading
Starting New Things Is Not Easy
Starting new things is not easy. It often brings up resistance, overwhelm and fear. I’m starting a new thing of recording myself sharing something that’s hopefully useful to the world. I plan to share these videos on my YouTube Channel. I have so many ideas of what I’d like to share, things I think ‘might’...Continue reading
5 Key Things that Influence Your Success in Life
There’s an old Chinese folk saying that I like. It says there are 5 key things that influence our success in life: fate, luck, Feng Shui, karma and education. I like it because it reminds me to be well rounded in my approach when I’m trying to make a change in my life. It points...Continue reading
Taking Back The Control In Your Home
If you have clutter I hope you’ll consider decluttering your home. Why? Because clearing your clutter will improve your health, mental clarity and focus. It will reduce your stress and anxiety. It will save you money and give you back time for the things that matter the most to you. What matters the most to...Continue reading
Make Room For The New In The New Year
Just as the trees have let go of their leaves in preparation for the new growth of spring, clearing out the old helps us to be ready for the new year. Our home is a mirror of our life. Fine tuning our living space is a transformative way to transition from the past to prepare...Continue reading