5 Key Things that Influence Your Success in Life
There’s an old Chinese folk saying that I like. It says there are 5 key things that influence our success in life: fate, luck, Feng Shui, karma and education. I like it because it reminds me to be well rounded in my approach when I’m trying to make a change in my life. It points...Continue reading
Taking Back The Control In Your Home
If you have clutter I hope you’ll consider decluttering your home. Why? Because clearing your clutter will improve your health, mental clarity and focus. It will reduce your stress and anxiety. It will save you money and give you back time for the things that matter the most to you. What matters the most to...Continue reading
Make Room For The New In The New Year
Just as the trees have let go of their leaves in preparation for the new growth of spring, clearing out the old helps us to be ready for the new year. Our home is a mirror of our life. Fine tuning our living space is a transformative way to transition from the past to prepare...Continue reading
Surrender to Winter’s Quiet Mystery
Each day has winter built into it in the form of night, the time when we sleep. A restorative sleep is crucial for our health and wellbeing. Sleep is a time to recharge our batteries and to restore ourselves for the new day. Winter holds this same quality, it’s the season to rest and restore...Continue reading
Reflections of Fall
Fall is the season when nature lets go and this always has me thinking about decluttering. The leaves falling remind me how letting go and decluttering is a natural and necessary part of life. Everything breaks down and gets old. When we hold onto those things that have worn out and are no longer useful...Continue reading
Natural Home Resources
Because I’m highly sensitive to chemicals and smells, and because I’m not interested in poisoning the earth, I use nontoxic products whenever possible. This is sometimes easier said than done but I do seek them out. There are many available and they work really well. My home transformation continues, so I thought I’d share with...Continue reading
What is Feng Shui?
Modern buildings were not designed with Feng Shui or the laws of Nature in mind. And they break all the rules of Feng Shui and Nature. This can make us sick, drain our finances and upset our relationships. The buildings we live in disrupt the harmony of Nature and this disharmony interferes with the balance...Continue reading
Earth Element: Marriage & Relationship
Yielding and receptive are qualities needed to be in a healthy relationship. This female ‘yin’ energy is related to the Earth element, the element associated with the ‘marriage and relationship area’ of the Feng Shui bagua. This is the most female area of the bagua. The ‘marriage and relationship area’ has to do with our...Continue reading
Moving Yet Not Moving: The Reset
He came on a Saturday afternoon to look at the floors and surprised us by saying he was able to start on Monday. Hmmm, could I get everything out of my living room, bedroom and healing room and move it all into the kitchen and laundry room, within the next 48 hours? So that the...Continue reading
What matters most?
With 5 hours to spare in the Mexico City airport, waiting for my flight home, I decided to declutter my emails. I unsubscribed to everything that felt like a distraction or didn’t feel necessary. Before my trip, I deleted the social media apps from my phone and for the 10 days in Tepoztlan I paid...Continue reading