Just as the trees have let go of their leaves in preparation for the new growth of spring, clearing out the old helps us to be ready for the new year. Our home is a mirror of our life. Fine tuning our living space is a transformative way to transition from the past to prepare...Continue reading
Category: Seasons
Surrender to Winter’s Quiet Mystery
Each day has winter built into it in the form of night, the time when we sleep. A restorative sleep is crucial for our health and wellbeing. Sleep is a time to recharge our batteries and to restore ourselves for the new day. Winter holds this same quality, it’s the season to rest and restore...Continue reading
Reflections of Fall
Fall is the season when nature lets go and this always has me thinking about decluttering. The leaves falling remind me how letting go and decluttering is a natural and necessary part of life. Everything breaks down and gets old. When we hold onto those things that have worn out and are no longer useful...Continue reading
Earth Element: Marriage & Relationship
Yielding and receptive are qualities needed to be in a healthy relationship. This female ‘yin’ energy is related to the Earth element, the element associated with the ‘marriage and relationship area’ of the Feng Shui bagua. This is the most female area of the bagua. The ‘marriage and relationship area’ has to do with our...Continue reading
Blossom and thrive in Spring
Spring brings the blessing of abundant growth and new beginnings. Take some time on the Spring Equinox (this Monday, March 20th) to tune in and honor the sacred rhythms of Nature and sow the seeds of your intentions for the coming year. What would you like to begin and grow? Spending time outside in Nature...Continue reading
Feng Shui Bagua: Knowledge Area
Winter is a time of going within, yet here in Santa Cruz it’s just beginning to feel like spring. The Knowledge & Self-Cultivation area of the Feng Shui bagua is like the beginning of spring. The conditions that are needed to support a seed with its growth are patience and care. We also need that...Continue reading
Water, the element of life
Wintertime in California is our rainy season. With our history of drought and fire, we understand just how precious water is. I’m happy to say that it’s been rainy a lot these past weeks here in Santa Cruz! Without water we wouldn’t have life. Water is the element of life. In the Chinese five element system,...Continue reading
Tap into the energy of fall for help letting go
It’s natural for things to decay, to break down and ware out. Everything dies eventually. Death is part of the natural cycle of living. This wisdom is reflected in the outer world in fall when the trees loose their leaves and the plants dies back. It’s reflected in our physical bodies through the letting go...Continue reading
The Energy of Spring
Welcome spring! I’m so happy it’s Spring that I feel like shouting! The birds are singing, the trees are blooming, and the days are getting longer. The other day I was admiring a blooming plum tree, enjoying her sweet aroma and the view of the sky through her branches. And I remembered how short springtime...Continue reading
Blessings for the Winter Solstice
Winter’s medicine is deep and restorative. I hope you will take some time to rest and restore during this dark time. Take advantage of winters quiet wisdom and slow down and reflect. Following Nature’s rhythms like this is very healing and restorative. For myself, life has been very busy and I’m having to work extra hard to carve...Continue reading